High - A

European Property Awards

Award Winner, High Rise Architecture


He project site locates in a higly urbanized and dense part of Istanbul, it’s surrounded with main transportation axis and subway systems.

It is also next to the New Financial Center of Istanbul «Ataşehir Finans Merkezi».  This triggered the design think of the finance center  employees and their future needs. In the middle of a very dense urban area, High-A will offer a large green space, terraces and rooftop activities to it’s possible end-user, the typical units sizes inspired from the future projections and traditinal needs of Turkish families.

On the other hand, best view of Istanbul is just out of the window of High-A residences which includes not only Prince Islands but Historical Peninsula as well.

The two highrises with an extensive green plot below are not limiting their viewing angle and sunning of the apartments as well.